What is the structure of this book?
This book is split into three parts, each of which covers a set of related topics.
- Part 1, Putting Node.js in Context: Part 1 of this book provides the information you need to get started with Node.js development. It describes the tools required for Node.js development, the basic JavaScript features required to follow the examples in this book, and the core Node.js support for web applications.
- Part 2, Node.js in Detail: Part 2 of this book covers the features required to create a fully featured web application, including producing HTML content, using databases, and creating RESTful web services. A custom implementation of each feature is used to explain how it works in detail, before being replaced with a popular open-source project to demonstrate how the same results can be achieved in a real project.
- Part 3, SportsStore: The chapters in parts 1 and 2 focus on individual features, with deep dives that explain how that feature works and how it is...