These libraries are supposed to be used to develop other tools or to just solve some particular engineering task using a custom script to call them:
- Capstorm: This is a lightweight multi-platform disassembly engine that supports multiple architectures, including x86, ARM, MIPS, PowerPC, SPARC, and several others. It provides native support for Windows and multiple *nix systems. It is designed so that other developers can build reverse engineering tools based on it. Apart from the C language, it also provides Python and Java APIs.
- distorm3: This is a disassembler library for processing x86/AMD64 binary streams. Written in C, it also has wrappers in Python, Ruby, and Java.
- Miasm: This is a reverse engineering framework in Python, and it supports several architectures. Among its interesting features, it introduces intermediate representations, so-called emulation using JIT, and symbolic execution.
- angr: This Python library is a binary analysis framework that supports multiple...