What you need for this book
Throughout the book, I have mentioned various technologies and tools that can help at certain stages in the development cycle. I have recommended mostly free software tools and dependencies. However, keep in mind that some may require a separate license for commercial purposes. As a testament to the open source community, I created BludBourne entirely from these free resources.
LibGDX is a cross-platform game development framework that can run on a Windows PC, Linux, Android device, or Mac OS X. The development for this book specifically supports Windows (7/8), so keep this in mind when using the source for BludBourne as there may be some platform-specific considerations outside of Windows.
As a quick summary of tools and libraries used for this book, I have listed them here (may not be an exhaustive list):
- LibGDX (v1.5.5): http://libgdx.badlogicgames.com/download.html
- Java Development Kit (v1.7): http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/downloads/index.html
- Git: http://git-scm.com/downloads
- SmartGit (v6.5.9): http://www.syntevo.com/smartgit/download
- IntelliJ IDEA IDE (v14.1.1): http://www.jetbrains.com/idea/download/
- Tiled (v0.11.0): http://www.mapeditor.org/download.html
- libgdx-texturepacker-gui (v3.2.0): http://code.google.com/p/libgdx-texturepacker-gui/
- Android Studio (v1.0): http://developer.android.com/sdk/index.html#Other
- Audacity (2.0.3): http://audacityteam.org/download
- Packr: http://libgdx.badlogicgames.com/packr
- Proguard (5.2.1): http://proguard.sourceforge.net/
The installation and usage instructions for additional tools are provided where necessary.