This chapter opened with a discussion on choosing the right size for the project. This discussion led to four possible approaches to manage the size difference between the application to capture and the course to produce.
The first approach was to shoot big and then downsize. In the initial step, you used a resolution of 1024 x 768 pixels to record your first sequence. You will now perform the second step: resizing the movie to 800 x 600 pixels.
Remember that resizing a project is a one-way operation that always results in data and quality loss. If another solution that does not require resizing the project is available, go for it! If a resize operation cannot be avoided, always keep a backup copy of your project at its original size.
- In Captivate, open the chapter08/encoderDemo_1024.cptx file.
If you did not successfully save this file earlier in this chapter, you can use the one saved in the chapter08/final folder.
Or, if you have a problem while doing this exercise...
Or, if you have a problem while doing this exercise...