If you want to continue deepening your knowledge in the domain of data science management, here is a list of books to look at:
- Machine learning:
- An Introduction to Statistical Learning, by Rob Tibshirani and Robert Hastie (http://faculty.marshall.usc.edu/gareth-james/), along with a MOOC (https://lagunita.stanford.edu/courses/HumanitiesSciences/StatLearning/Winter2016/about). The code in this book is in R, but it's not a bad idea to read it, even if you are only interested in coding in Python. The main benefit of this book is its presentation of theory, which is independent of your favorite programming language.
- Introduction to Machine Learning with Python, by Andreas C. Müller (https://www.amazon.com/Introduction-Machine-Learning-Python-Scientists/dp/1449369413).
- Deep learning:
- FastAI course, by Jeremy Howard (http://fast.ai)
- Deep Learning...