Chapter 12. Where to Go from Here
This chapter will explore various agencies, groups, and communities in the music industry. The purpose of this chapter is to find outlets for your music, now that you have a way to create it. We will also explore music distribution and social networking.
So here we are. The end. Nope! The beginning.
It's my sincerest hope that after you've finished this book you are hungry. You are starving to create, inspired, and ready to push LMMS as far as you can push it. I hope that you feel empowered and unafraid to finish songs and get yourself out there with your music.
So the question is, once you've walked out your front door, blinking in the light of day, where do you put your music? Where is it going to live? How can you find an audience? Can you make money?
Well, I have some suggestions for you.