There is something we can do in a mobile reminder app that would never work in a pen and paper version of a reminder; we can present the list of reminders based on where you are at the time that you check it! To make use of location, you need to know where you are now and how far your location is from the place associated with the reminder.
At the time of writing this book, there was no ability in LiveCode to directly pull in a map so that you could choose locations other than the one you are at right now. So, we'll work within that limitation.
That being said, there is mergMK
external (for more information, refer to http://mergext.com), which works with iOS versions before 7.0 and was being updated at the time of writing this book. You could also use a combination of HTML and JavaScript as described in the article at http://stackoverflow.com/questions/25629786/fetch-data-from-html-file-in-livecode. However, these are both beyond the scope of this beginner's book
The general technique...