When you create a 3D map within ArcGIS Pro, there are several elevations you need to be concerned about. You need to define a ground elevation. The ground elevation provides a baseline for all of your 3D data. It is the canvas to which all other layers are applied within your map.
Once you have identified your ground elevation, then you need to determine the elevations of your 3D features. These may be directly related to the ground or at an absolute elevation.
Ground elevations
The ground elevation is used by ArcGIS Pro to represent the surface of the earth within the 3D scene you are creating. Each scene must have a ground surface specified. The ground surface cannot be deleted. It can be changed and does have various properties, which can be adjusted.
By default, ArcGIS Pro will use the Esri world elevation surface, which is published through ArcGIS Online. You can choose to use your own elevation surface if desired. Your own local surface is often much more accurate, so it will...