Red/System, the C-level, purely imperative dialect of Red, has four main purposes:
- It has the role of an IR (intermediate representation) language for compiled Red code, and efficiently compiles directly into machine code for all targets, so it does not generate C or assembler as an intermediary.
- It is the language in which part of Red itself and notably the runtime system is written.
- It can be embedded inside Red apps for fast code support, so, whenever your Red app needs to run faster, you can rewrite the code pieces that perform the worst in Red/System to achieve huge performance gains.
- It can be used to write low-level programs and perform system programming.
Red/System is a dialect, a subset of Red, and an embedded DSL (domain-specific language) of its host language Red, yet the host is implemented in that dialect.
You can find the Red/System source code in the...