Lessons learned from real-world deployments
Let us now look at how we can interact with Secrets on Kubernetes and what we should and should not do when we interact with Secrets on Kubernetes.
Case study – Developing Secrets management
As more organizations embrace container orchestration, the following case study illustrates the journey toward establishing a robust system for Secrets management within an organization.
The Keywhiz Secrets management system at Square
Keywhiz is a system that Square developed to keep important digital keys and passwords, such as those used to secure websites, safe and in one place. This system is beneficial as the organization previously lacked secure methods for storing these Secrets. Keywhiz makes sure that only the right parts of Square can get to these Secrets when they need to, using secure connections.
Deep dive into Keywhiz’s secret system
Let us dive deep into Keywhiz to see how Square built the system end to end...