Using MapKit for SwiftUI
During WWDC23, Apple introduced expanded MapKit support for SwiftUI, which makes it easier than ever to integrate Maps into your app. Using SwiftUI, you can easily add annotations and overlays to a map, control the camera, and more.
To watch Apple’s Meet MapKit for SwiftUI video from WWDC23, refer to this link:
At this point, you have created the Journal List screen, and tapping each cell on this screen displays the journal entry’s title on a second screen. You’ll modify your app to display a Journal Entry Detail screen when a cell on the Journal List screen is tapped, but before that, you’ll create a SwiftUI view that displays a map.
Follow these steps:
- Choose File | New | File from Template... to open the template selector.
- iOS should already be selected. In the User Interface section, click SwiftUI View and click Next.
- Name...