What this book covers
Chapter 1, Getting Familiar with Xcode, will take us through a tour of Xcode and talk about all of the different panels we will use throughout the book.
Chapter 2, Building a Foundation with Swift, deals with the basics of Swift.
Chapter 3, Digging Deeper, teaches us to build on our Swift foundation and learn some more basics of Swift.
Chapter 4, Digging into Collections, will talk about the different types of Collections.
Chapter 5, Starting the UI Setup, is about building the Let's Eat app. We will focus on getting our structure setup using storyboards.
Chapter 6, Setting Up UI, deals with working on our Let's Eat app in a storyboard.
Chapter 7, Getting Started with the Grid, is about working with Collection Views and how we can use them to display a grid of items.
Chapter 8, Getting Started with the List, teaches us to work with Table View and takes a deep look at dynamic Table Views.
Chapter 9, Working More with Lists, will talk about working with Table Views, but we will look at static Table Views.
Chapter 10, Where Are We?, deals with working with MapKit and learning how to add annotations to a map. We will also create custom annotations for our map.
Chapter 11, Where's My Data?, is about learning how to use a JSON API within our app.
Chapter 12, Foodie Reviews, talks about working with the phone's camera and library. We will then look at how to apply filters to our photos.
Chapter 13, Saving Reviews, wraps up Reviews by saving them using Core Data.
Chapter 14, Universal, deals with multitasking on the iPad, and how we can get an update to be supported on all devices.
Chapter 15, iMessages, is about building a custom message app UI. We will also create a framework to share data between both apps.
Chapter 16, Notifications, provides learning on how to build basic notifications. Then, we will look at embedding images into our notifications as well as building a custom UI.
Chapter 17, Just a Peek, looks at 3D touch and how to add quick actions to our app. We will also look at how we can add peek and pop to our restaurant list.
Chapter 18, Beta and Store Submission, is about how to submit apps for testing as well as submitting apps to the App Store.