Time for action — using the Fill and Stroke dialog
Let's open the dialog and get started:
- Open your triangle Inkscape file again and select the triangle.
- From the main menu, choose Object | Fill and Stroke (or use the Shift + Ctrl + F keyboard shortcut).
- The Fill and Stroke dialog appears on the right-hand side of your screen. Notice it has three tabs: Fill, Stroke paint, and Stroke style, as shown in the following screenshot:
- Select the Fill tab (if not already selected). Here are the options for fill:
- Type of fill: The buttons below the Fill tab allow you to select the type of fill you would like to use. No fill (the button with the X), flat color, linear or radial gradients. In the previous example screenshot, the flat fill button is selected.
- Color picker: Another set of tabs below the type of the fill area are presented; RGB, CMYK, HSL, and Wheel. You can use any of these to choose a color. The most intuitive option is Wheel as it allows you to visually see all the colors and...