Time for action — creating a star
Now, we will create a shape that is a part of the SVG standard that is inherent in Inkscape. These standard shapes include rectangles/squares, circles/ellipses/arcs, stars, polygons, and spirals. We will create a star. Here's what you need to do:
- Select (click) the shape tool icon (A) and the polygon icon (B) in the toolbox, as highlighted in the following screenshot.
- Then draw the shape on the canvas by clicking, holding, and then dragging the shape to the size you want on the canvas:
- To switch between creating stars and polygons, select the star/polygon icon in the toolbox on the left-hand side of your screen, and then select either the polygon or the star icon in the Tool controls (just above the canvas).
- You can also change the number of corners this polygon has by changing the number in the Corners field in the Tool controls.
If you had wanted to draw a circle, square, or cube—you would have selected those icons on the toolbox.
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