Creating a golden award with a ribbon
This recipe will show us how to draw a golden award with a ribbon using interpolation extension and gradients.
How to do it...
The following steps will demonstrate how to create a golden award:
1. Select the Star tool (Shift + F9 or *) and create a 300 px upright star with 30 corners. Set Spoke ratio: to 0.96 and Rounded: to 0.2 by dragging upwards while holding Ctrl key.
2. Set its fill to
and remove its stroke.3. Select the Gradient tool (Ctrl + F1 or G) and create a linear gradient in the object fill by dragging from the top-left corner to the bottom-right corner. Set the opacity of the end stop to 100.
4. Create a new gradient stop by double-clicking on the top one-third of the gradient path. Select the new stop by clicking on it and change its color to
(double click on it to pop up the color selector).5. Duplicate the star (Ctrl + D), remove its fill and set stroke to 1 px, Black.
6. Convert it to a path (Shift + Ctrl + C). Select...