In this chapter, we have walked very quickly through a big bunch of libraries in different application areas. New libraries are constantly developed, and current ones are being improved. Lists in this chapter should be taken only as a guideline. It's always a good idea to do a little research before using a new library. The Haskell-Cafe mailing list is a good place to be notified about new libraries and major new releases, and is relatively low traffic.
During the course of this book, we have navigated many topics that have hopefully helped you become a better Haskeller.
If you followed closely the first few chapters, you have a good working understanding of lazy evaluation and its traps. You can use seq, bang patterns, and pragmas where necessary. You know many high-performance data structures and are able to use them effectively. In the middle chapters, we learned to test and benchmark, that lazy I/O has drawbacks, to parallelize code, to do concurrency safely and to compile...