Understanding compilation in VS 2022
VS is an excellent IDE that makes the process of compiling applications transparent to developers. For example, after creating a project, it is enough to press a button to run any application. However, understanding some details of the VS compilation process can help you optimize code, diagnose errors, and take full advantage of the IDE.
In this section, I am not going to go into the details of concepts such as what a compiler is or the process of converting high-level code into machine language; instead, I am going to give you some tips and advice that you can take advantage of.
Let’s look at how we can compile applications in VS.
How to build a project in VS 2022
Once you create a project in VS using any of the templates we discussed in Chapter 2, Creating Projects and Templates, one of the first things you should do is compile the project. This is because, during the steps of compilation, VS converts the high-level code into...