When you usually think of effects such as blur, contrast, and glow, you might think of image editing software, as they tend to be applied those effects to images. Qt Graphical Effects can apply those same types of effects to QML UI components.Â
If you use the Qt Quick Scene Graph software renderer, these will not be available or usable, as this does not support the effects.
Qt Graphical Effects come in a variety of types, each with various sub-effects:
- Blend
- Color:
- BrightnessContrast
- ColorOverlay
- Colorize
- Desaturate
- GammaAdjust
- HueSaturation
- LevelAdjust
- Gradients:
- ConicalGradient
- LinearGradient
- RadialGradient
- Displace
- DropShadows:
- DropShadow
- InnerShadow
- Blurs:
- FastBlur
- GaussianBlur
- MaskedBlur
- RecursiveBlur
- MotionBlurs:
- DirectionalBlur
- RadialBlur
- ZoomBlur
- Glows:
- Glow
- RectangularGlow
- Masks:
- OpacityMask
- ThresholdMask