Online Imitation Learning is where you teach the agent to learn the observations of a player or another agent in real time. It also is one of the most fun and engaging ways to train agents or bots. Let's jump in and set up the tennis environment for online Imitation Learning in the next exercise:
- Select the TennisArea | AgentA object and set Tennis Agent | Brain to TennisPlayer. In this IL scenario, we have one brain acting as a teacher, the player, and a second brain acting as the student, the learner.
- Select the AgentB object and make sure Tennis Agent | Brain is set to TennisLearning. This will be the student brain.
- Open the online_bc_config.yaml file from the ML-Agents/ml-agents/config folder. IL does not use the same configuration as PPO so the parameters will have similar names but may not respond to what you have become used to.
- Scroll down in the...