We will start by heading over to the S3 home page at https://s3.console.aws.amazon.com/s3/:
- On the S3 home page, click on Create bucket:
- In the next page, assign your bucket a name:
When assigning the name of the bucket, you must follow these guidelines:
- Use a unique and Domain Name System (DNS)-compliant bucket name for your S3 bucket.
- Bucket names must be a minimum of 3 characters and a maximum of 63 characters.
- Uppercase characters or underscores are not allowed.
- Bucket names can either start with a lowercase letter or a number.
- Bucket names can contain lowercase letters, numbers, and hyphens. The bucket name can also be separated based on labels using the (.) character.
- Do not format bucket names in the form of an IP address (for example,
- You can choose the geographic region if you wish to; we are naming our bucket...