- absolute imports / Absolute imports
- abstract base classes (ABCs)
- about / Abstract base classes
- using / Using an abstract base class
- creating / Creating an abstract base class
- demystifying / Demystifying the magic
- abstract factory pattern / The abstract factory pattern
- abstraction / Hiding details and creating the public interface, Inheritance provides abstraction
- access control / Who can access my data?
- adapter pattern / The adapter pattern
- adjacency / Graphs
- adjacency list / Adjacency list
- adjacency matrix / Adjacency matrix
- aggregation / Composition
- algorithm analysis, approaches
- average case analysis / Amortized analysis
- benchmarking / Amortized analysis
- algorithm design
- divide and conquer paradigm / Algorithm design paradigms
- dynamic programming approach / Algorithm design paradigms
- amortized analysis / Amortized analysis
- anonymous functions / Anonymous functions
- append method / A faster append operation
- arguments / Behaviors are actions
- arrays / Arrays
- assertion methods
- about / Assertion methods
- assertGreater / Assertion methods
- assertGreaterEqual / Assertion methods
- assertLess / Assertion methods
- assertLessEqual / Assertion methods
- assertIn / Assertion methods
- assertNotIn / Assertion methods
- assertIsNone / Assertion methods
- assertIsNotNone / Assertion methods
- assertSameElements / Assertion methods
- assertSequenceEqualassertDictEqual / Assertion methods
- assertSetEqual / Assertion methods
- assertListEqual / Assertion methods
- assertTupleEqual / Assertion methods
- asymptotic analysis / Asymptotic analysis
- attributes
- specifying / Specifying attributes and behaviors
- functions, using as / Using functions as attributes
- average case analysis / Amortized analysis
- backtracking
- about / Backtracking
- example / Backtracking
- behaviors
- specifying / Specifying attributes and behaviors
- about / Behaviors are actions
- benchmarking / Amortized analysis
- big O notation / Big O notation
- binary mode
- files, reading / Reading and writing in binary mode
- files, writing / Reading and writing in binary mode
- binary search
- about / Binary search
- example / Binary search
- binary search tree (BST)
- about / Binary search trees
- example / Binary search trees
- implementation / Binary search tree implementation
- operations / Binary search tree operations
- maximum nodes, finding / Finding the minimum and maximum nodes
- minimum nodes, finding / Finding the minimum and maximum nodes
- nodes, inserting / Inserting nodes
- nodes, deleting / Deleting nodes
- tree, searching / Searching the tree
- benefits / Benefits of a binary search tree
- binary trees / Binary trees
- Booleans / Booleans
- bracket-matching application, stack / Bracket-matching application
- branching / Conditional programming
- breadth-first search
- about / Breadth-first search
- code / Breadth-first search
- breadth first traversal / Breadth-first traversal
- break statement / The break and continue statements
- bubble sort
- about / Bubble sort
- implementing / Bubble sort
- built-in data types
- numbers / Numbers
- immutable sequences / Immutable sequences
- mutable sequences / Mutable sequences
- set types / Set types
- mapping types / Mapping types – dictionaries
- collections module / The collections module
- built-in functions / Built-in functions
- about / Python built-in functions
- len() function / The len() function
- reversed() function / Reversed
- enumerate function / Enumerate
- for file I/O / File I/O
- with context manager / Placing it in context
- byte arrays / Byte arrays
- bytes / Strings and bytes
- callable objects
- creating / Callable objects
- CamelCase notation / Creating Python classes
- chaining / Chaining
- ChainMap / ChainMap
- child / Terminology
- circular list
- about / Circular lists
- elements, appending / Appending elements
- elements, deleting / Deleting an element
- iterating through / Iterating through a circular list
- classes / Objects and classes, Objects and classes
- Classes section, Python tutorial
- reference / Scopes
- class variables / Basic inheritance
- code
- guidelines / Guidelines on how to write good code
- documenting / Documenting your code
- code coverage / How much testing is enough?
- collections module
- about / The collections module
- namedtuple / namedtuple
- defaultdict / defaultdict
- ChainMap / ChainMap
- combinatoric generators / Combinatoric generators
- Comma-Separated Value (CSV) / Case study
- command-line notebook application
- case study / Case study
- command pattern / The command pattern
- complexity classes
- about / Runtime analysis
- composing / Composing complexity classes
- complex numbers / Complex numbers
- composite pattern / The composite pattern
- composition / Composition
- comprehensions
- about / Comprehensions
- list comprehensions / List comprehensions
- dictionary comprehensions / Set and dictionary comprehensions
- set comprehensions / Set and dictionary comprehensions
- generator expressions / Generator expressions
- concepts, graphs
- node / Graphs
- vertex / Graphs
- edge / Graphs
- loop / Graphs
- degree of vertices / Graphs
- adjacency / Graphs
- path / Graphs
- concepts, trees
- node / Terminology
- root node / Terminology
- sub tree / Terminology
- degree / Terminology
- leaf node / Terminology
- edge / Terminology
- parent / Terminology
- child / Terminology
- sibling / Terminology
- level / Terminology
- height / Terminology
- depth / Terminology
- conditional programming
- about / Conditional programming
- elif / A specialized else – elif
- ternary operator / The ternary operator
- console / Your friend, the console
- constructor / Initializing the object
- contextlib
- URL / Using a context manager to open a file
- context manager
- used, for opening files / Using a context manager to open a file
- about / Placing it in context
- creating / Placing it in context
- continue statement / The break and continue statements
- coroutines
- about / Coroutines
- log parsing / Back to log parsing
- exceptions, throwing / Closing coroutines and throwing exceptions
- closing / Closing coroutines and throwing exceptions
- generators and functions, relationship between / The relationship between coroutines, generators, and functions
- custom exceptions
- defining / Defining our own exceptions
- data
- persisting, on disk / Persisting data on disk
- serializing, with pickle / Serializing data with pickle
- saving, with shelve / Saving data with shelve
- saving, to database / Saving data to a database
- as objects / Data describes objects
- database
- data, saving / Saving data to a database
- database management systems (DBMS) / Saving data to a database
- Data Compression and Archiving
- URL / File and directory compression
- data interchange formats
- about / Data interchange formats
- JSON, working with / Working with JSON
- custom encoding, with JSON / Custom encoding/decoding with JSON
- custom decoding, with JSON / Custom encoding/decoding with JSON
- Data Model, official Python documentation
- reference / A proper introduction
- data structures
- selecting / How to choose data structures
- decimal numbers / Fractions and decimals
- decorator pattern
- about / The decorator pattern
- example / A decorator example
- using, in Python / Decorators in Python
- decorators
- properties, creating / Decorators – another way to create properties
- defaultdict / defaultdict
- default values / Keyword arguments and default values
- degree / Terminology
- degree of vertex / Graphs
- depth-first search / Depth-first search
- depth first traversal
- about / Depth-first traversal
- in-order traversal, and infix notation / In-order traversal and infix notation
- pre-order traversal, and prefix notation / Pre-order traversal and prefix notation
- post-order traversal, and postfix notation / Post-order traversal and postfix notation.
- design patterns
- about / Design patterns in brief
- case study / Case study
- deterministic selection
- about / Deterministic selection
- pivot selection / Pivot selection
- median of medians / Median of medians
- partitioning step / Partitioning step
- dictionaries / Mapping types – dictionaries
- dictionary comprehensions / Set and dictionary comprehensions
- different_action(other, arguments) / The adapter pattern
- directed graph / Directed and undirected graphs
- directories
- working with / Working with files and directories
- existence, checking / Checking for file and directory existence
- manipulating / Manipulating files and directories
- content, inspecting / Directory content
- compression / File and directory compression
- discounts
- applying / Applying discounts
- dispatcher / Applying discounts
- divide and conquer paradigm / Algorithm design paradigms, Divide and conquer - long multiplication
- docstrings / Documenting your code, Explaining yourself
- don't repeat yourself (DRY) principle / How do we use modules and packages?
- Don't Repeat Yourself (DRY) principle / Removing duplicate code
- double-precision floating-point format
- reference / Real numbers
- doubly linked list
- about / Doubly linked lists, Doubly linked list
- append operation / Append operation
- delete operation / Delete operation
- doubly linked list node / A doubly linked list node
- duck typing / Inheritance provides abstraction
- duplicate code
- removing / Removing duplicate code
- dynamic programming approach / Algorithm design paradigms
- edge / Terminology, Graphs
- elif condition / A specialized else – elif
- else clause / A special else clause
- encapsulation / Hiding details and creating the public interface
- endpoints
- finding / Finding endpoints
- simple node implementation / Node
- enums / Enums
- exception / A special else clause
- exceptions
- raising / Raising exceptions, Raising an exception
- effects / The effects of an exception
- handling / Handling exceptions
- hierarchy / The exception hierarchy
- custom exceptions, defining / Defining our own exceptions
- case study / Case study
- throwing / Closing coroutines and throwing exceptions
- expensive objects
- imitating / Imitating expensive objects
- expression trees / Expression trees
- facade pattern / The facade pattern
- file I/O
- built-in functions / File I/O
- files
- opening / Opening files
- opening, with context manager / Using a context manager to open a file
- reading / Reading and writing to a file
- writing / Reading and writing to a file
- overriding, protecting against / Protecting against overriding an existing file
- checking / Checking for file and directory existence
- manipulating / Manipulating files and directories
- compression / File and directory compression
- fixtures / A completely different way to set up variables
- flyweight pattern / The flyweight pattern
- for loop / The for loop
- formatted string literals / String formatting
- fractions / Fractions and decimals
- functions
- about / How do we use modules and packages?
- benefits / Why use functions?
- code duplication, reducing / Reducing code duplication
- complex task, splitting / Splitting a complex task
- implementation details, hiding / Hiding implementation details
- readability, improving / Improving readability
- traceability, improving / Improving traceability
- tips / A few useful tips
- recursive functions / Recursive functions
- anonymous functions / Anonymous functions
- attributes / Function attributes
- built-in functions / Built-in functions
- example / One final example
- as objects / Functions are objects too
- using, as attributes / Using functions as attributes
- as callable objects / Callable objects
- coroutines and generators, relationship between / The relationship between coroutines, generators, and functions
- generalizations
- unpacking / Additional unpacking generalizations
- generator expressions
- about / Generator expressions
- creating / Generator expressions
- generators
- about / Generators
- items, yielding from another iterable / Yield items from another iterable
- coroutines and functions, relationship between / The relationship between coroutines, generators, and functions
- global statement / The global and nonlocal statements
- graphical user interface (GUI) / Running Python as a GUI application
- graph methods / Other useful graph methods
- graph representation
- about / Graph representation
- adjacency list / Adjacency list
- adjacency matrix / Adjacency matrix
- graphs
- about / Graphs
- example / Graphs
- undirected graphs / Directed and undirected graphs
- directed graphs / Directed and undirected graphs
- weighted graphs / Weighted graphs
- graph traversal
- about / Graph traversal
- breadth-first search / Breadth-first search
- depth-first search / Depth-first search
- greedy algorithms
- about / Algorithm design paradigms
- GUI application
- Python, running as / Running Python as a GUI application
- hash
- elements, adding / Putting elements
- elements, obtaining / Getting elements
- non-string keys / Non-string keys
- hashability / Set types
- hashing functions / Perfect hashing functions
- hash table
- about / Hash table
- testing / Testing the hash table
- [], using with / Using [] with the hash table
- growing / Growing a hash table
- open addressing / Open addressing
- heap
- about / Heaps, Priority queues and heaps
- item, inserting / Inserting
- pop() operation / Pop
- testing / Testing the heap
- heap sort / Heap sort
- HTTP requests
- creating / Making HTTP requests
- immutable sequences
- about / Immutable sequences
- strings / Strings and bytes
- bytes / Strings and bytes
- tuples / Tuples
- imports
- relative imports / Relative imports
- in-memory stream
- using / Using an in-memory stream
- indexing / Indexing and slicing strings, About indexing and slicing
- infinite iterators / Infinite iterators
- infinite loop / The while loop
- information hiding / Hiding details and creating the public interface
- inheritance
- about / Composition, Inheritance, Basic inheritance
- abstraction / Inheritance provides abstraction
- multiple inheritance / Multiple inheritance, Multiple inheritance
- built-in classes, extending / Extending built-ins
- overriding / Overriding and super
- super function / Overriding and super
- initializer / Objects and classes
- input/output / IO, streams, and requests
- input parameters
- about / Input parameters
- considerations / Argument passing, Assignment to argument names doesn't affect the caller, Changing a mutable affects the caller
- specifying / How to specify input parameters
- positional arguments / Positional arguments
- keyword arguments / Keyword arguments and default values
- variable positional arguments / Variable positional arguments
- variable keyword arguments / Variable keyword arguments
- keyword-only arguments / Keyword-only arguments
- combining / Combining input parameters
- insertion sort / Insertion sort
- instance diagram / Composition
- integer division / Integers
- integers / Integers
- Integrated Development Environments (IDEs) / Running the Python interactive shell, A note on IDEs
- interfaces / Inheritance
- interpolation search / Interpolation search
- iterable / Iterators and iterables
- iteration
- versus recursion / Recursion and backtracking
- iterators
- about / Iterators and iterables, Iterators
- terminating, on shortest input sequence / Iterators terminating on the shortest input sequence
- iterator protocol / The iterator protocol
- itertools module
- reference / A quick peek at the itertools module
- JavaScript Object Notation (JSON)
- about / Working with JSON
- URL / Working with JSON
- custom encoding / Custom encoding/decoding with JSON
- custom decoding / Custom encoding/decoding with JSON
- Karatsuba algorithm
- about / Can we do better? A recursive approach
- Python implementation / Can we do better? A recursive approach
- keyword-only arguments / Keyword-only arguments
- keyword arguments / Keyword arguments and default values
- lambdas / Anonymous functions
- last in, first out (LIFO) / Stacks
- leaf node / Terminology
- len() function / The len() function
- level / Terminology
- library / How do we use modules and packages?
- linear search
- about / Linear Search
- unordered linear search / Unordered linear search
- ordered linear search / Ordered linear search
- list-based queue
- about / List-based queue
- enqueue operation / Enqueue operation
- dequeue operation / Dequeue operation
- list comprehension / Lists
- list comprehensions / List comprehensions
- lists / Lists
- size, obtaining of / Getting the size of the list
- item, searching in / List search
- clearing / Clearing a list
- list search / List search
- list traversal
- improving / Improving list traversal
- local, enclosing, global, built-in (LEGB) / Scopes, Scopes and name resolution
- loop / Graphs
- looping
- about / Looping
- for loop / The for loop
- while loop / The while loop
- break statement / The break and continue statements
- continue statement / The break and continue statements
- else clause / A special else clause
- magic methods / Objects and classes
- mailing list manager
- case study / Case study
- make_action(some, arguments) / The adapter pattern
- manager objects
- about / Manager objects
- advantages / Manager objects
- duplicate code, removing / Removing duplicate code
- existing code, reusing / In practice
- mapping types / Mapping types – dictionaries
- max heap / Priority queues and heaps
- media player queue / Media player queue
- members / Data describes objects
- merge sort algorithm
- about / Runtime analysis
- steps / Runtime analysis
- Python code / Runtime analysis
- metaclasses / Objects and classes
- method overloading
- about / An alternative to method overloading
- alternative option / An alternative to method overloading
- default arguments / Default arguments
- variable argument lists / Variable argument lists
- arguments, unpacking / Unpacking arguments
- Method Resolution Order
- about / The diamond problem
- reference / The diamond problem
- methods / A proper introduction, Behaviors are actions
- min heap / Priority queues and heaps
- mixin / Multiple inheritance
- modules
- using / How do we use modules and packages?
- about / Modules and packages
- organizing / Organizing modules
- absolute imports / Absolute imports
- relative imports / Relative imports
- contents, organizing / Organizing module content
- monkey patching / Using functions as attributes
- multiple inheritance
- about / Multiple inheritance, Multiple inheritance
- diamond problem / The diamond problem
- different sets of arguments, managing / Different sets of arguments
- multiple sequences
- iterating over / Iterating over multiple sequences
- multiple values
- returning / Returning multiple values
- mutable defaults / Avoid the trap! Mutable defaults
- mutable sequences
- about / Mutable sequences
- lists / Lists
- byte arrays / Byte arrays
- namedtuple / namedtuple
- NameError exception / Scopes
- name resolution / Scopes and name resolution
- names / Names and namespaces, About the names
- namespace / Names and namespaces
- negative indexing / About indexing and slicing
- node-based queue
- about / Node-based queue
- Queue class / Queue class
- enqueue method / Enqueue operation
- dequeue operation / Dequeue operation
- nodes
- about / Nodes, Terminology, Graphs
- types / Other node types
- deleting / Deleting nodes
- nonlocal statements / The global and nonlocal statements
- numbers
- about / Numbers
- integers / Integers
- Booleans / Booleans
- real numbers / Real numbers
- complex numbers / Complex numbers
- fractions / Fractions and decimals
- decimal numbers / Fractions and decimals
- NumPy
- about / What are the drawbacks?
- object-oriented analysis (OOA) / Introducing object-oriented
- object-oriented design (OOD)
- about / Introducing object-oriented
- case study / Case study
- object-oriented programming (OOP) / Introducing object-oriented
- object-relational mapping (ORM) / Saving data to a database
- object diagram / Composition
- objects
- about / A proper introduction, Objects and classes, Everything is an object, Introducing object-oriented, Objects and classes
- mutable / A proper introduction, Mutable or immutable? That is the question
- immutable / A proper introduction, Mutable or immutable? That is the question
- importing / Importing objects
- data / Data describes objects
- identifying / Treat objects as objects
- manager objects / Manager objects
- case study / Case study
- functions, using as / Functions are objects too
- expensive objects, imitating / Imitating expensive objects
- observer pattern
- about / The observer pattern
- example / An observer example
- Omega notation / Omega notation (Ω)
- operator overloading / Lists
- ordered linear search / Ordered linear search
- package
- about / How is Python code organized?
- using / How do we use modules and packages?
- Pandas
- about / What are the drawbacks?
- parent / Terminology
- path / Graphs
- pathnames
- manipulating / Manipulating pathnames
- peek method, stack / Peek
- PEP 8 / Guidelines on how to write good code
- reference / Importing objects
- PEP 373
- reference / Python 2 versus Python 3
- PEP428
- URL / Checking for file and directory existence
- PEP 448
- reference / Additional unpacking generalizations
- pickle
- used, for data serializing / Serializing data with pickle
- pip
- reference / Third-party libraries
- pointer structures
- about / Pointer structures
- benefits / Pointer structures
- polymorphism / Inheritance provides abstraction, Polymorphism
- pop operation, stack / Pop operation
- positional arguments / Positional arguments
- prime generator / A prime generator
- prime number / A prime generator
- priority queues / Priority queues and heaps
- properties / A proper introduction
- about / Data describes objects, Adding behaviors to class data with properties
- behavior, adding to class data / Adding behaviors to class data with properties
- using / Properties in detail
- creating, with decorators / Decorators – another way to create properties
- deciding / Deciding when to use properties
- prunes / Backtracking
- public interface
- creating / Hiding details and creating the public interface
- details, hiding / Hiding details and creating the public interface
- push operation, stack / Push operation
- PyPy
- reference / What are the drawbacks?
- pytest
- tests, initializing / Testing with pytest
- reference / Testing with pytest, Skipping tests with pytest
- setting up / One way to do setup and cleanup
- cleaning up / One way to do setup and cleanup
- variables, setting up / A completely different way to set up variables
- tests, skipping / Skipping tests with pytest
- Python
- about / Enter the Python, About Python
- portability / Portability
- coherence / Coherence
- developer productivity / Developer productivity
- extensive library / An extensive library
- software quality / Software quality
- software integration / Software integration
- satisfaction / Satisfaction and enjoyment
- drawbacks / What are the drawbacks?
- users / Who is using Python today?
- environment, setting up / Setting up the environment
- installing / Installing Python
- reference / Setting up the Python interpreter
- running, as service / Running Python as a service
- running, as GUI application / Running Python as a GUI application
- execution model / Python's execution model
- culture / The Python culture
- decorator pattern, using / Decorators in Python
- strategy pattern, using / Strategy in Python
- Python 2
- versus Python 3 / Python 2 versus Python 3
- Python classes
- creating / Creating Python classes
- attributes, adding / Adding attributes
- behaviors, adding / Making it do something
- self argument, adding / Talking to yourself
- multiple arguments, adding / More arguments
- object, initializing / Initializing the object
- documentation / Explaining yourself
- Python code
- organizing / How is Python code organized?
- Pythonic / The Python culture
- Python interactive shell
- running / Running the Python interactive shell
- Python interpreter
- setting up / Setting up the Python interpreter
- Python Package Index (PyPI) / An extensive library
- about / Third-party libraries
- reference / Third-party libraries
- Python program
- running / How you can run a Python program
- Python scripts
- running / Running Python scripts
- Python Tutor
- reference / Everything is an object
- queues
- about / Queues
- working / Queues
- list-based queue / List-based queue
- stack-based queue / Stack-based queue
- node-based queue / Node-based queue
- applications / Application of queues
- media player queue / Media player queue
- quick select algorithm
- about / Quick select
- partition step / Partition step
- quick sort
- list partitioning / List partitioning
- implementation / Implementation
- quick sort algorithm / Quick sort
- randomized selection
- about / Randomized selection
- quick select algorithm / Quick select
- range
- iterating over / Iterating over a range
- real numbers / Real numbers
- recursion
- about / Recursion and backtracking
- versus iteration / Recursion and backtracking
- recursion tree
- advantage, of analyzing algorithms / Runtime analysis
- recursive approach / Can we do better? A recursive approach
- recursive functions / Recursive functions
- relational algebra / Saving data to a database
- relational model / Saving data to a database
- relative imports
- about / Relative imports
- reference / Relative imports
- requests / IO, streams, and requests
- return values / Return values
- reversed() function / Reversed
- reverse polish expression
- parsing / Parsing a reverse Polish expression
- reverse polish notation (RPN) / Post-order traversal and postfix notation.
- root node / Terminology
- RSA algorithm
- reference / Case study
- runtime analysis / Runtime analysis
- scopes
- about / Scopes, Scopes and name resolution
- local scope / Scopes
- enclosing scope / Scopes
- global scope / Scopes
- built-in scope / Scopes
- example / Scopes
- search algorithm
- selecting / Choosing a search algorithm
- search term / Unordered linear search
- selection algorithms / Selection algorithms
- selection by sorting / Selection by sorting
- selection sort / Selection sort
- sequence
- iterating over / Iterating over a sequence
- service
- Python, running as / Running Python as a service
- set comprehensions / Set and dictionary comprehensions
- set types / Set types
- shelve
- used, for saving data / Saving data with shelve
- siblings / Terminology
- Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) server / Case study
- singleton implementation / Singleton implementation
- singleton pattern
- about / The singleton pattern
- mimicking, with module variables / Module variables can mimic singletons
- singly linked list class / Singly linked list class
- singly linked lists
- about / Singly linked lists
- append operation / Append operation
- size
- obtaining, of list / Getting the size of the list
- slicing / Indexing and slicing strings, About indexing and slicing
- small values caching / Small values caching
- sorting algorithms
- about / Sorting algorithms
- bubble sort / Bubble sort
- insertion sort / Insertion sort
- selection sort / Selection sort
- quick sort / Quick sort
- specialization / Case study
- stack-based queue
- about / Stack-based queue
- enqueue operation / Enqueue operation
- dequeue operation / Dequeue operation
- stacks
- about / Stacks
- operations / Stacks
- usage / Stacks
- implementing / Stack implementation
- push operation / Push operation
- pop operation / Pop operation
- peek method / Peek
- bracket-matching application / Bracket-matching application
- state pattern
- about / The state pattern
- example / A state example
- versus strategy pattern / State versus strategy
- as coroutine solution / State transition as coroutines
- strategy pattern
- about / The strategy pattern
- example / A strategy example
- using, in Python / Strategy in Python
- versus state pattern / State versus strategy
- streams / IO, streams, and requests
- strings
- about / Strings and bytes
- encoding / Encoding and decoding strings
- decoding / Encoding and decoding strings
- formatting / String formatting
- Structured Query Language (SQL) / Saving data to a database
- student grader system
- case study / Case study
- sub tree / Terminology
- superclass / Basic inheritance
- symbol tables / Symbol tables
- syntactic sugar / Extending built-ins
- template pattern
- about / The template pattern
- example / A template example
- temporary directories / Temporary files and directories
- temporary files / Temporary files and directories
- ternary operator / The ternary operator
- tests
- need for / Why test?
- test-driven development / Test-driven development
- unit tests / Unit testing
- initializing, with pytest / Testing with pytest
- skipping, with pytest / Skipping tests with pytest
- code coverage, verifying / How much testing is enough?
- case study / Case study
- implementing / Implementing it
- Theta notation / Theta notation (ϴ)
- third-party libraries / Third-party libraries
- tight lower bound / Omega notation (Ω)
- tight upper bound / Big O notation
- time complexity / Big O notation
- Timsort / Lists
- tree nodes / Tree nodes
- trees
- balancing / Balancing trees
- tree traversal
- about / Tree traversal
- depth first traversal / Depth-first traversal
- true division / Integers
- tuples / Tuples
- undirected graph / Directed and undirected graphs
- Unicode code points / Strings and bytes
- Unified Modeling Language (UML) / Objects and classes
- unit tests
- about / Unit testing
- assertion methods / Assertion methods
- boilerplate, reducing / Reducing boilerplate and cleaning up
- cleaning up / Reducing boilerplate and cleaning up
- organizing / Organizing and running tests
- executing / Organizing and running tests
- broken tests, ignoring / Ignoring broken tests
- unordered linear search / Unordered linear search
- unpacking / Variable positional arguments
- upcasting / Booleans
- UTF-8 encoding / Encoding and decoding strings
- variable argument lists / Variable argument lists
- variable keyword arguments / Variable keyword arguments
- variable positional arguments / Variable positional arguments
- variadic arguments (varargs) / Variable argument lists
- vertex / Graphs
- virtual environment (virtualenv)
- about / About virtualenv
- reference / About virtualenv
- creating / Your first virtual environment
- weighted graph / Weighted graphs
- weighted graphs / Weighted graphs
- while loop / The while loop
- worst case analysis / Runtime analysis