Third-party dashboard solutions
If you feel you need more than what you can get out of the box and you really want to enhance your dashboards to bring your visualizations to the next level, then there are a number of third-party vendors that can offer you some excellent alternatives for a reasonable fee. Here's a run-down of three of our favorite third-party dashboard solutions:
The team in Savision ( has been around for a long time and are synonymous with delivering enterprise-grade business service management solutions for OpsMgr. When you deploy their Live Maps Unity product, you get access to a whole new method of creating and publishing your dashboards. You can choose from pre-built templates, such as the Services Dashboard shown in Figure 9.40 or you can use the authoring console to create a new dashboard from scratch.

Figure 9.40: Savision Live Maps Unity in action
Based in the UK, the guys over at SquaredUp ( have focused their...