Angular versus Vue
Angular is a Model-View-ViewModel (MVVM) framework built by Google that, generally, enterprise companies in the past tended to favor because of Google's backing and the fact that from the ground up, Angular was created to be used alongside TypeScript. The ecosystem supporting Angular includes Ahead of Time (AoT) rendering, and router and CLI management, but fails to deliver a simplified global state management system; developers would need to learn and use Flux or adopt NgRx. Vue takes Angular's core ideas of robustness and reliability and improves the development experience with its agnostic approach to development by removing the restrictiveness of an enforced code style for developers. Simplifying familiar Angular patterns such as HTML directives and dependency injection for modularity with Vue's single-file component system benefits developers by removing the necessity to learn and remember a variety of structures (injectables, components, pipes, modules, and so on). Vue has excellent support for TypeScript and typing without the drawbacks that Angular can have with its enforced coding language and development style. React and Vue share a focus on component-driven development, which reduces the amount of time and effort needed to uptake a new framework.