Technical requirements
To follow along with this book, you will need:
- Git client
- rbenv (Ruby version manager to enable multiple versions of Ruby)
- Ruby (versions 2.6.10 and 3.0 or above)
- Any IDE of your choice installed to edit code (Sublime, Visual Studio Code, vim, Emacs, Rubymine, etc.)
All code examples have been written to work with Ruby versions 2.6.10 and 3.0 (or above). Some of the examples will need previous versions of Ruby (i.e. 2.6.10) to work with previous versions of Ruby on Rails (e.g. Ruby on Rails 5), but to guarantee that they work the same way as in this chapter, you should try to install the latest version of Ruby. You may get the installer for different operating systems here:
Additionally, to be able to use different versions of Ruby, I would also suggest you install rbenv from this GitHub repository:
The code presented in this book is available at