Downloading the source
Most open source projects have their source code divided into two general categories: stable and latest. While the latest FreeSWITCH code is usually quite stable, we recommend that you begin with the latest stable release. You can update to the latest trunk at a later point. (See the Building From the latest Code section in this chapter.) One other point to keep in mind: binary distributions of FreeSWITCH might be available for your platform. While they are certainly convenient, in our experience it is easier to troubleshoot, update, and customize your FreeSWITCH installation when compiling from the source.
Be sure that your system has Internet access because the build process will occasionally need to download additional files.
The source code can be obtained from the following FreeSWITCH download site: Locate a file named freeswitch-1.0.6.tar.gz
, and download it into a local directory on your computer, then decompress it. A typical session...