Gensim supports the same hyperparameters that are supported in the native implementation of fastText. You should be able to set them as follows:
- sentences: This can be a list of list of tokens. In general, a stream of tokens is recommended, such as LineSentence from the word2vec module, as you have seen earlier. In the Facebook fastText library this is given by the path to the file and is given by the -input parameter.
- sg: Either 1 or 0. 1 means to train a skip-gram model, and 0 means to train a CBOW model. In the Facebook fastText library the equivalent is when you pass the skipgram and cbow arguments.
- size: The dimensions of the word vectors and hence must be an integer. In line with the original implementation, 100 is chosen as default. This is similar to the -dim argument in the Facebook fastText implementation.
- window: The window size that is considered...