POSIX threads
This section is dedicated to the POSIX threading API, better known as the pthread library. This API is very important because it's the main API used for creating and managing the threads in a POSIX-compliant operating system.
In non-POSIX-compliant operating systems such as Microsoft Windows, there should be another API designed for this purpose and it can be found in the documentation of that operating system. For example, in the case of Microsoft Windows, the threading API is provided as part of the Windows API, known as the Win32 API. This is the link to Microsoft's documentation regarding Windows' threading API: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/desktop/procthread/process-and-thread-functions.
However, as part of C11, we expect to have a unified API to work with threads. In other words, regardless of whether you're writing a program for a POSIX system or a non-POSIX system, you should be able to use the same API provided by C11. While...