Pitfalls of retaining talent
Retaining talent on your team is not universally desirable. While it is generally a good thing to do, there are limitations and drawbacks to keep in mind. In your efforts to retain talent on your team, take care to avoid scenarios where turnover is too low or you put too much emphasis on engineer satisfaction.
Can turnover be too low?
When the engineers on your team are happy and productive, it is a good thing. You want your engineers to grow and develop over time and make great contributions to your code bases and products. Part of growing and developing is eventually growing into new responsibilities and roles. Your team members might do so within your company or they might not, but either way, growth is important. Most (but not all) of your engineers should progress from their roles eventually. As an engineering manager, it is your goal for them to do so in a gradual way such that you hold on to the same levels of knowledge and expertise within...