The deep NLP basics
In this short section, I’m going to walk you through deep NLP building blocks and standard approaches. This domain is evolving at enormous speed, especially now, as ChatGPT and LLMs have set a new standards in chatbots and text processing.
The material in this section just scratches the surface and covers the most common and standard building blocks. Some of them, like RNNs and LSTMs, might even look outdated — I still believe this is fine, as being aware of historical perspective is important. For simple tasks, you might consider using simple tools depending on what is most suitable for the task at hand, even if they are not hyped anymore.
Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs)
NLP has its own specifics that make it different from computer vision or other domains. One such feature is processing variable-length objects. At various levels, NLP deals with objects that could have different lengths; for example, a word in a...