Technical requirements
Apart from the technical requirements specified in the Preface, the following technical requirements apply:
- Ensure that you have completed the first recipe, Installing MXNet, Gluon, GluonCV and GluonNLP, from Chapter 1, Up and Running with MXNet.
- Ensure that you have completed the second recipe, Toy dataset for classification – Loading, Managing, and Visualizing Iris Dataset, from Chapter 2, Working with MXNet and Visualizing Datasets: Gluon and DataLoader.
- Most of the concepts for the model, the loss and evaluation functions, and the training were introduced in Chapter 3, Solving Regression Problems. Furthermore, as we will see in this chapter, classification can be seen as a special case of regression. Therefore, it is strongly recommended to complete Chapter 3 first.
The code for this chapter can be found at the following GitHub URL: