Managing users
After Datadog is rolled out into an environment that mainly involves deploying the agent, the users can be given access to Datadog interfaces that provide insight into the infrastructure and the application software system. Though users can get API access to Datadog, they primarily use the UI to consume the information available.
A user can be added by sending out an invitation by email, which could be done from the main menu item Team on the Datadog dashboard.
The following screenshot is a sample Team window:
Figure 4.1– Main menu Team window
Users can be invited using a form available at the bottom of the Team window, as shown here:
Figure 4.2 – Invite Users form in the Team window
Also, it can be done by using the Invite Users option available in the Team window:
Figure – 4.3 Invite Users dialog
When a user is invited to join the team, one or more roles for the user...