Chapter 4. Designing a Data Model and Building Data Objects for Customers
In the previous chapter, we saw how the contents of an array can be used to display information through the Table View control. Also, we have seen the different methods that play a major role in displaying contents in the Table View control. We have also seen the steps involved in adding more information to the existing information being displayed in the Table View control. Assuming that we want to create an application "Sales Record System of a Store" where we want to keep the information of the customers along with the product details sold to each of them, we will gradually create this application step-by-step, that is, in each chapter, we will add a building block to the application.
In this chapter, we will design a data model for keeping the customer's information, that is, we will define a Customer entity and its attributes. After designing data model, we build data object (classes) associated with the Customer...