Database – An organized set of data, stored and accessed electronically. Other applications typically use the data.
Debugger – A tool used by programmers to find errors in a program code. It will let the programmer step through the code line by line while executing the code, and the programmer can inspect the values of variables and the execution path that is taken.
Decimal – A numbering system that works in base 10 – that is, it uses 10 digits to represent numbers. It is the numbering system that we usually use.
Dictionary type – A data type that stores data in key-value pairs. The key value must be unique for every item in the dictionary.
Directive comment – A comment in the source code not intended for humans but other programming tools, such as compilers.
Division by zero – An error that occurs in a division where the divisor is zero.
Docstring – A comment that is formatted in a predefined way.