Configuring a varied scene
Once the initial scene and the basic components have been initialized, we are going to create the rest of the blocks that will form our game. The purpose of this section is to learn how to configure a varied terrain based on a few restrictions, so the game is playable and not impossible to win.
We'll start by declaring the variables that will support this configuration, so add the following constants definition:
// Number of different platforms const int kPLATFORM_TYPES = 6; // Number of different floors const int kFLOOR_TYPES = 4;
This will help us to create the floors and platforms randomly later. Next, add the following variable declarations:
// Declare small abyss' width float _smallAbyss; // Declare big abyss' width float _bigAbyss; // Declare next platform's position float _nextPlatformPosition; // Declare next floor's position float _nextFloorPosition;
The small and big abyss variables will be constants that will...