Be persistently persistent
Now we come to the final component of marketing your scripts and I can give you no greater gift than revealing this, the real secret of marketing.
Be persistent!
The word persistent means never give up, always keep trying. It is the only way you'll ever succeed and it is why so many people try and fail—they give up way too soon.
Immerse yourself in the business. Learn how it works. Use Celtx to your full advantage to both look professional and be professional.
However, above all, as the great British leader in World War II, Winston Churchill said, "Never give in. Never give in. Never, never, never, never—in nothing, great or small, large or petty—never give in, except to convictions of honor and good sense. ..."
As screenwriters, I believe we can ignore the "good sense" part, eh?
However, never give up. Keep writing! And I'll be watching your movie along with all those who kept telling you it would never happen. They were wrong! Make them buy their own darned popcorn...