Time for action - numbering scenes
Carry out the following steps:
1. In the Format Options dialog box (previous page) where we turned on pagination, we can also turn on scene numbers.
2. To do it, in the Show scene numbers drop-down menu, choose Both (scene numbers on both sides), Left, or Right. Scene numbers appear as we see in the following screenshot:
What just happened?
Celtx now numbers the scenes for us, keeping track and revising those numbers if we add or delete scences.
Of course, we only turn on scene numbers in shooting scripts, never in a spec script. Doing so will mark the script as amateurish and it probably won't get read. Yes, they are that picky. Most script readers stop at the first mistake and scene numbers in anything but a shooting script is a mistake.
Dual dialogue
Dual dialogue shows quick interplay between two or more characters. To set up dual dialogue, select the dialog and character's names and click on the little speech balloon icon, shown at the upper-right in the...