Adding details with pop-up windows
Pop-up panels are another useful tool in the MicroStrategy Mobile client, we can use them to display additional details and add more interactivity to our documents. In the Web Interface pop up can be achieved with some JavaScript tricks, while on the iPad there is no need for that; just create a new panel and set it as an info window. Let's see how to do it.
Getting ready
You need to have completed the previous recipes to continue.
How to do it...
Open the 41 iPad Landscape Portrait with Panels document in design mode:
Open the Insert menu and select Panel Stack.
Answer No to the warning message.
Draw a rectangle in an empty area of the First Panel.
When you release the mouse button a new panel stack with one panel is created. Rename the panel:
.Right-click on the cross arrow icon to open the stack context menu and select Properties and Formatting….
In Properties | General, modify the Name to
Info Window
. Below the Panel Stack header check the option box...