Saving and retrieving data
First, let's look at what the Redis client has to offer us. Add the following lines to index.js
client.set('hello', 'Hello World!'); client.get('hello', (err, reply) => { if (err) { console.log(err); return; } console.log(`Retrieved: ${reply}`); });
In this example, we will set the value "Hello world!" in Redis with the key hello
. In the get
command, we specify the key we wish to use to retrieve a value.
The Node Redis client is entirely asynchronous. This means that you have to supply a callback function with each command if you wish to process data.
A common mistake is to use the Node Redis client in a synchronous way. Here's an example:
let val = client.get('hello'); console.log('val:', val);
This, perhaps confusingly, results in:
val: false
This is because the get
function will have returned the Boolean false
before the request to the Redis server has been made.
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