- <article> tag
- about / <article>
- Accept-Charset header
- about / The Accept-charset header
- ActionSheet widget
- about / The ActionSheet widget
- initializing / Initialization
- </ul> actions / Actions
- opening / Open and close
- closing / Open and close
- addMovie function / JavaScriptMVVM, in mobile frameworkJavaScript
- Advanced Rest Client
- about / The Advanced Rest Client Chrome extension
- anchor tag
- href attribute / Navigation
- Android view, of sample application
- about / UI experience across platforms
- application-initialization code
- reorganizing / Initialization
- Application object
- about / Application object
- initial view / The Initial view
- text, loading / Loading text
- platform configuration option / Forcing platform
- loading animation, hiding / Hiding and showing the loading animation
- loading animation, showing / Hiding and showing the loading animation
- reference, of current view / Getting a reference of...