Chapter 1, BLE and the Internet of Things, is a review of the basics for those familiar with BLE. If you are new to BLE, then this chapter will get you up to speed for future chapters. This chapter will speak about the emerging domain of this decade with many real-life examples where we’ve been using Internet of Things (IoT) services without knowing it. It will also provide examples of wearables, autonomous vehicle, and sports gear to make you understand the potential of IoT in the coming years.
Chapter 2, BLE Hardware, Software, and Debugging Tools, gives an overview of the BLE devices available in the market. It will provide a comparison and detailed description of the different hardware with their corresponding SDKs. It will also explain the working of some applications available for Android/iOS and for desktop computers.
Chapter 3, Building a BLE Central and Peripheral Communication System, provides examples to understand communication in BLE using central and peripherals. Step-by-step explanations of the examples will help you understand the working of BLE. Java will be used to illustrate Android code.
Chapter 4, Bluetooth Low Energy Beacons, gives an introduction to Bluetooth beacon technology. Classification of BLE beacons and their role in the IoT will be explained with examples. This chapter will also contain the two types of beacons currently available, EddyStone and iBeacon. It will also provide example applications using Eddystone and iBeacons on Estimote Beacons and Tags.
Chapter 5, BLE Indoor Navigation Using Estimote Beacons, focuses on an important aspect of BLE beacons: using them as an indoor navigation system.
Chapter 6, Bluetooth Mesh Technology, teaches you about the mesh technology introduced by CSRMesh. This chapter will focus on the key aspects of mesh technology, such as flooding, routing, and security considerations. The chapter will also help you build a CSRMesh control application using Android.
Chapter 7, Implementing a Bluetooth Gateway Using the Raspberry Pi 3, talks about the importance of gateway technology to connect Bluetooth-enabled devices to the internet. It will also demonstrate an example application to create a gateway that will act as a bridge between BLE-enabled devices and the Internet using the Raspberry Pi 3.
Chapter 8, The Future of Bluetooth Low Energy, talks about the future of the Internet of Things. It will discuss the new version of BLE (version 5.0). It will also talk about the potential applications of IoT in the future, with smart cities and machine-to-machine communication. The future of IoT in industrial development will also be discussed in this chapter.