The Niagara Module Script Editor
The Niagara Module Script Editor looks suspiciously similar to a blueprint editor. This makes it easy for users familiar with blueprints to grasp the functionality easily. The nodes available here are completely different from what you otherwise see in a blueprint, although there may be a few nodes, especially the ones dealing with basic mathematics, that look similar.
Figure 7.6: The Niagara Module Script Editor
There are eight major areas in the editor.
Figure 7.7: The Menu bar
- The Menu bar
This area contains commands to open/save the module, undo/redo options, a few asset commands, and commands to hide/show the different panels in the editor.
Figure 7.8: The Toolbar area
- Toolbar
Along with the standard buttons to save and browse for the asset, the Toolbar area has buttons to Compile and Apply the script. There is also the new Versioning button, which...