That was good. You learned a lot about the basic skills needed for creating and working with vertices, edges, and faces. You will be using these skills in the following chapters for building quite a variety of objects. You learned the difference between the Object Mode and Edit mode, and learned to select and manipulate multiple vertices, edges, and faces. You were introduced to Blender's basic geometric primitive objects. You got a bit of experience in troubleshooting a model, and learned how to group vertices, edges, and faces. You discovered the basic structure of Blender, and learned how to make vertices, edges, and faces from scratch.
You have covered the basics. You understand the tools, and it's time to get started applying what you have learned to a real project. Much thought has gone into choosing a good project. It seems that since the world is two-thirds ocean, and everyone has a river, lake, or sea near them, that a nautical theme would be appropriate. So, in the next...