Time for action — using the Dope Sheet
You've studied the other three windows, and now we'll look at the Dope Sheet in a little more detail.
The Dope Sheet is descended from the animation timing sheets used by early animators that we talked about in Chapter 7, Planning your Work, Working your Plan. You can move, subtract, and add keyframes, but unlike the Graph Editor, you have no control of the Bezier Curves that control the motion. The window controls are the same as the Graph Editor controls that you studied in Chapter 3,Controlling the Lamp, the Camera, and Animati ng Objects:
Open the file that you created when you compared dollying the camera to changing the field of view.
In the 3D View, select the camera you dollyied into the scene. Move the cursor over the Timeline Editor window and go to the Current Editor type button in the lower-left corner of the window and click on it.
Select Dope Sheet from the menu.
Move the cursor to the border between the Dope Sheet and the 3D View window...