Time for action — adding the rudder, tiller, and keel
Without the rudder, tiller, and keel, the sloop would drift aimlessly. They are simple objects but they need a little special handling to fit correctly onto the sloop:
In the File menu, select Append.
Open the Object folder.
Select the Keel, the Rudder, the Tiller Path, and the Tiller Shape with Shift+LMB.
Press theLMB on the Link/Append from Library button.
In the 3D View, press A to deselect everything.
Use theRMB to select the tiller. Check to see that the tiller clears the sloop's deck. If it doesn't, move it so it does.
Select the Material button in the Properties window header. It's the ninth button from the left.
Click on the silver ball next to the New button as seen here.
Choose the Deck Material from the menu to apply it to the tiller.
Select the rudder and repeat the steps to apply the Hull Material to it. Select the keel and repeat the steps to apply the Hull Material to it.
Press Alt+C to convert the keel from a Bezier Curve object...