Wow, that was quite a chapter. In it, you studied how light affects the scene. You practiced setting the lights in different locations and changed the light colors as well as experimenting with using multiple lights. You learned about using global and local coordinates to control objects and learned to move, rotate, and scale objects. We discussed composing an image within the camera. You learned about keyframes, made several animations, and learned about using the Graph Editor to adjust F-Curves. You also learned how to save your work.
In the next chapter, you will start modeling objects. You will get under the hood and find out what a mesh object is made of. You'll be able to control every last point, edge, and face. You will discover Blender's menu of pre-made objects. You'll meet Suzanne, Blender's very lovely mascot, and have fun stretching and twisting her. You'll learn how to use grouping to make it easy to do what you want and then you'll be ready to start making your own...