Chapter 2: Automating Machine Learning Model Development Using SageMaker Autopilot
AWS offers a number of approaches for automating ML model development. In this chapter, I will present one such method, SageMaker Autopilot. Autopilot is a framework that automatically executes the key steps of a typical ML process. This allows both the novice, as well as the experienced ML practitioner to delegate the manual tasks of data exploration, algorithm selection, model training, and model optimization to a dedicated AWS service, basically, automating the end-to-end ML process.
Before we can start diving and getting hands-on exposure to the native capabilities that AWS offers for ML process automation, it is important to first understand the landscape of where they fit, what these capabilities are, and how we will use them.
In this chapter, we will introduce you to some of the AWS capabilities that focus on ML solutions, as well as ML automation. By the end of the chapter, you will have...