Inventory system
If you have ever played any adventure or role-playing game, you are certainly familiar with a player inventory system. The inventory system is an essential element to these games and will be for ours also. Therefore, we will spend a little bit of time reviewing the features we need for our system. The following is a list of features we need for our inventory system:
Persistent: Mobile games are prone to being shut down or interrupted. Therefore, the inventory needs to maintain state between gaming sessions in a database or other methods of storage.
Saving state should also be robust and quickly executed. For this, we could use a flat file or database. A flat file will generally be simpler to use, but a database is more robust and easily extensible.
You could consider a flat file to be a database. In terms of our discussion, however, we will refer to database as an organized storage mechanism that supports a well-defined data definition and query language.
Cross platform...