The Doors of Durin SAML login scenario
Inspired by the chapter epigraph, the following scenario unfolds as a CTF game. We modified the Vulnerable SAML App [5], which Travis “yogisec” Lowe developed.
We will step into the shoes of the user, “Gandalf” – part of the user group (species) known as maiar – an unprivileged user. Our challenge lies ahead of us at the Doors of Durin, where we must navigate the complexities of centralized SAML-based authentication.
Our objective? To successfully validate our credentials and gain recognition as part of the “dwarf” species, using different SAML attacks. In other words, we aim to be authenticated as part of the administrator group with a series of privilege escalation vulnerabilities.
Note to chief information security officers (CISOs)
Attacks on SAML are an ever-present topic that critically impacts organizations of all types.
Several Advanced Persistent Threats (APTs) have...