Troubleshooting Argo CD
In this chapter, we will see how to address some of the issues you are most likely to run into during your day-to-day work with Argo CD. We will go through the installation procedure and see what can happen if we try to have more than one installation in the same cluster. This is a valid scenario for organizations that have many clusters deployed in development (dev) and production (prod) and need to split the load to different Argo CD instances. Then, we will discover how to use a specific version of Helm, different than the one embedded in the Docker image. Sometimes, this is needed because a newer version of a templating engine can bring some breaking changes and you would need more time to prepare for the upgrade, but you still want to have the performance improvements of the new Argo CD version. Argo CD has become much more stable in recent years—it is a mature application used by many organizations in production, but there are still cases when a...