III.8 Cross cutting Concepts
This section will describe the various technical and related concepts of MaMa deployment:
8.1 Generated Persistence Based on the Domain Model
MaMa uses a code generator to generate all required persistence code from a UML entity model. The overall concept of this generation is depicted in the following diagram. Generic and campaign-specific parts are stereotyped in this diagram. The
"campaign-specific" Data Management component is automatically created and packaged by the build process:
Figure 3.25: Overview of code generation
The following table describes the various elements of the code generation setup:
Figure 3.26: Element of code generation setup
This concept relies on a number of prerequisites.
These are as follows:
- Every MaMa instance will handle data related to individual people, known as clients in MaMa domain terminology.
- All the clients will have a small number of common attributes.
- For all productive...